MIMO, the abbreviation of Multiple Imput Multiple Output, is a commonly used technology in Dish Antennas. The MIMO Antennas are spatially diverse, transmitting and receiving data by multiple spatial channels. We offer the MIMO Dish Antennas with wireless systems,our mimo antennas can send and transmit multiple wireless data streams simultaneously at extremely fast speeds.


Superiorities of MIMO Dish Antennas

MIMO Dish Antenna are high gain antennas. Mimo dish antenna has holes on its reflective surface, which can enhance the wind resistance. Furthermore, the MIMO Dish Antennas can be installed vertically or horizontally, and they are all equipped with  adjustable angle rotating clips as standard, which are quite convenient for outdoor installation.

Superiorities of MIMO Dish Antennas
Applications of MIMO Dish Antennas

Applications of MIMO Dish Antennas

The MIMO Dish Antennas can realize long-distance signal coverage and transmission, point-to-point system, and wireless bridge signal coverage. These functions and advantages make them widely used in communication, remote sensing, meteorological observation, astronomical observation and other fields.